The Silver Talon
Goblin, Empyreum, Ward 17 Plot 26OPEN HOURS
➵ Monday 11 pm - 2 am PST (Tuesday 5 pm - 8 pm AEST)
☆ You must be 18+ to RP at the Silver Talon. We deal in alcohol and mature themes.
☆ No NSFW / ERP content is permitted in public. Please keep it in Tells / Party Group.
☆ Minions are only allowed out if you RP them.
☆ Respect our staff and we will respect you. We do not tolerate harassment.
☆ Please stow weapons at our front desk.Staff can and will report those that don't follow rules.☆Staff Roles☆
Green Badge: Owners / Managers
Yellow Badge: Staff on duty
"Happy hunting!"
After a successful hunt or a busy day, nothing is better than a moment of respite.
Stop by The Silver Talon, grab a drink and relax for while.Bring your friends, or make some new ones.
Come check out our ever growing trophy collection.
☆ Main Floor
Reception / BarHang out and socialize! Grab a drink from our bar.
☆ Lower Floor
Talon's BathsWe have baths ready for you to relax your muscles after a long day of travel.
☆ Upper Floor
Quiet LoungeWith a quiet space for you to enjoy alone or with some friends, our upper floor is perfect for those who don't enjoy a rowdy space.

Rooms are subject to change.
NON NPC STAFF: Owned individually.
NPC STAFF: Roleplayed by staff members | shared among staff.
NPC STAFF EXCLUSIVE: Roleplayed by an individual staff | or an ALT character.

Iris Fallenheart
Role: Owner
Age: Early 20s
Gender: FemaleA freelance bodyguard and mercenary, Iris established the Silver Talon for adventurers like her who seek a relaxing haven after a long hunt. She's confident, quick-witted, and rather stoic with a certain grace to her fierceness. She takes on any challenge with a smile, whether it's a new opponent or a simple date. She also never turns down a drink.

Demetr’a Zeruvos
Role: Co-Owner
Age: Unknown
Gender: TransmanUsed to living as his family's traditional dancer...this viera is always ready to gift you entertainment within The Silver Talon's walls. There to help guide and aid others' to the best of his abilities, he is a blessing to have around to lift the mood up.

Kae'imiko Zeja
Role: Manager
Age: 18+
Gender: FemaleA cute miqo'te who's always hungry for knowledge and adventure!

Luna Mewraha
Role: Manager
Age: 37 (Maybe)
Gender: FemaleWhether Luna is her real name or not is up for debate, but it's the moniker she currently goes by. As for her age that's also up for debate, the number changes based on the group she is able to associate with at the time. Some have even called her Granny, but those that did were from another time and are no longer with us. She's the embodiment of a bad luck black cat, but luckily for her job the misfortune seems to subside while she works. Equal parts mortician and bartender, she knows how to mix something deadly and/or delicious. Easily frightened by anything living and bigger than her, but soothed by anything supernatural or what others would consider spooky.

Akira Norashin
Role: Hostess / Alchemist / Culinarian
Age: 23
Gender: FemaleJack of trades for crafting. Her favorite job is weaving new clothes and challenging herself. She's very shy but once you get her to open up she gets extremely comfortable around others!

Zelina Nightwalker
Role: Bartender
Age: Early 20s
Gender: FemaleMercenary, freelance bodyguard, assassin... Whatever brings in the Gil. Zelina used to do all the dirty work for the sake of her own survival and her loved ones. She's confident, reserved, and somewhat stoic with a hint of gentleness to her fierceful nature. She does whatever it takes in the pursuit of power, peace and tranquility for the storm that is swelling inside of her. She takes on any challenge with a serious expression on her face, whether it's a threat, an opportunity to test her strengh or just working at an establishment like The Silver Talon.

Baiju Ura
Role: Host / Bartender
Age: 24
Gender: MaleA Xaela who spent most of its young life around the tail mountains and stayed mostly to himself and his tribe. Even with living a much secluded life the Au ra has found his way into enjoying a vibrant social life by being a bartender and loves to serve drinks almost as much as he enjoys annoying Demetr'a.

Cora Ryuusen
Role: Bartender / Server
Age : 25
Gender: FemaleA quick learner and a wonderful chat. Anything insightful will catch her attention and enjoys a nice round of discourse, she'll whip you up a drink you be sure to fall in love. Catch her by herself taking a break and you might get a bit of a soft spot from her unique demeanour.

V'apur Waive
Role: Bard / Server
Age: 21
Gender: FemaleA songstress hailing from a small Seeker of the Sun tribe in Gyr Abania, V'apur was pressured to leave her home to wander after increased Imperial occupation in Ala Mhigo, sometime prior to it's liberation. V'apur is a polite and outgoing individual, always open to either lending an ear or talking somebody else's off. When she's not running tables, she eagerly awaits any opportunity to play her music in the Silver Talon.

Haine of House Kleine
Role: Alchemist
Age: 27
Gender: MaleA reclusive Alchemist based in Ishgard, his House's business of Chocobo raising led into his studies of crafting. Now employed at the Silver Talon to provide tinctures, potions and things of the like, he'll be found around the establishment on rare occasions. Bearing a sharp tongue and a cold, formal way of speaking, he tends to be avoidant of others. (He really does mean well, though.)

Bee Fujimoto
Role: Culinarian
Age: 40
Gender: FemaleA master of the culinary art of making food and a cafe owner herself. Bee is a business woman and the mother of two kids. Always ready to make the best quality food and drink for anyone who asks.

Role: Your local knife lover | NPC STAFFThe first of our lovely helpful Namazus! Nezzy specializes in knives and aiding in making drinks with the bartenders. Not the most sociable of its kind, this obnoxious friend of ours loves to help. Language is not his strong not expect a lot when trying to make a conversation worth wild.

Role: Your local bookworm | NPC STAFFThe second of our lovely helpful Namazus, Nezzy's special friend who is always up to meet new patrons. Opposite to Nezzy, this little guy is up for any conversation that comes its way. Head always stuck in a book in between duties...he may just come up to you for a little obnoxious chat!

Myrtilo Filotimo
Role: Shark Handler | NPC STAFF EXCLUSIVE
Age: Early 20s
Gender: MaleGary's main handler on Talon's deck. You may see this little miqo'te on open nights from time to time to feed Gary live bait or stored stock. Myrtilo is not one for words but is approachable if seen in the flesh. If you are curious about Gary. He is your guy.

Role: Talon's Bodyguard | NPC STAFFGary is the loyal companion shark of The Silver Talon. Yes, he is a flying shark once the doors to this venue have closed. It is also rumored that patrons that stay after close have a lucky chance to become his next meal... You might find Gary working at The Sunken Ship here and there.
"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!"
An adventurer must always be prepared for the quest ahead. Here you can buy high-tier food and potions to ensure you're at peak performance during the fight.